Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016



Some things you need to know If you're just going to explore Bitcoin, there are some things you should know. Bitcoin allows you to exchange money in a different way from the usual bank. Thus, you should take the time to learn before using Bitcoin for any important transactions. Bitcoin should be treated the same as you treat your wallet, or even more cautious in some cases. IconMengamankan your wallet In the real world, your wallet should be secured. Bitcoin allows you to make transfers to anywhere in a very easy and allows you to control your money. Great features it also comes along with a high attention to security.

 Bitcoin provide a very high level of security if used correctly. Always remember that it is your responsibility to do the safety measures are good in order to protect your money. Read more about securing your wallet. Bitcoin volatile IconHarga Bitcoin prices can go up or down unexpectedly during a short period of time due to the economy that is still young, new, and sometimes illiquid market. As a consequence, you are not currently recommended for saving in bitcoin. 

Bitcoin should be considered as high-risk assets, and you should not keep too much money is at risk of missing the Bitcoin. If you accept Bitcoin, many service providers that allow you to exchange it instantly to your local currency. IconPembayaran Bitcoin can not be undone Every transaction you do with Bitcoin can not be canceled, funds can only be returned by recipients. That means you have to be careful to do business only with people or organizations that you know and trust, or those who already have a good reputation. On the other hand, business owners need to control payment requests that are shown to customers. 

Bitcoin can detect typos and usually does not allow you to send money to the wrong address by mistake. Additional services can be made at a later date to provide more choice and security for consumers. IconBitcoin not anonymous It takes some effort to protect your privacy by Bitcoin. All Bitcoin transactions in general and permanently stored on the network, which means that anyone can view balances and transactions from any Bitcoin address. However, the identity of the owner of the address to be kept secret, and then told the time of purchase or in any other circumstances. This is one reason why Bitcoin address should only be used once. It is your responsibility to safeguard actions your privacy. Read more about securing your privacy.

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