Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

Hack Bitcoin

Hack Bitcoin

Steps to get dollars bitcoin:
  1. You must have the wallet for storing BTC you get, make here click (1 BTC's price at Rp 10.05 million / 1 BTC)
  2. then click the confirmation link into emails you submitted earlier, his next login to the wallet that you just created. Now there Address Bitcoin (BTC) you are shaped like ini1UsrTKRpKKBohxoJiK5LG6UgAipkTK pmt that will be used to send or receive Bitcoin.
  3. after you create a wallet. Just look for BTC, register here: FREE bitcoin (fill left new users)
  4. Your Bitcoin Addres, in the content of your BTC Addres earlier that looks like this: 1UsrTKRpKKBohxoJiK5LG6UgAipkTKpmt
  5. after the registration is completed please: LOG IN Bitcoin
  6. After that, there captha the form of figures. Please fill in the empty box at the bottom, continue Click Roll., Then you will grow BTC
  7. Make every 1 hour, then your Bitcoin per 1 hour will increase

Now we will use a script that will make us grow automatic bitcoin , it takes only an internet connection and browser and then download the script hack bitcoinnya : Script Download Bitcoin free hack ,
Can pal dowload google yes Well if it is successfully downloaded , please do:
  1. If using Firefox , go mate, then press CTRL + SHIFT + K then Paste script that was downloaded over
  2. If you're using Chrome , open mate, then press CTRL + SHIFT + J then Paste script that was downloaded over
So please wait , then the script will be hoeing bitcoin by itself .

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