Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Definition of State According to Experts

The concept and definition of the State as an organization spearheaded by JHA logemaan power in OverDe book Theorie Van Een Stelling Staadrecht, namely that the existence of the State aims to regulate and organize the people equipped with the highest power. Understanding the place the state as an organization of power (Budiyanto 1997). Such a view was later quoted by Harlod J. Laski. Max Weber and Léon Duguit. In broad terms, the State is the social unity of people governed by constitutional to realize common interests. 

  1. Geogre Jellinek The state is the organization of the power of a group of people who have certain region resides
  2. George Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel The state is an organization of decency that appears as a synthesis of freedom and independence invidual universal.
  3. Kranenburg The state is an organization that arises due to the will of a group or his own people.
  4. Roger F. Soltau The state is a tool (agency) or authority (authority) that regulate or control issues together with the name of the community.
  5. R. Djokosoetono The state is a human organization or group of people who are under a same government
  6. Soenarko Countries are community organizations that have certain areas where state authority applies solely as Souvereign 
From the opinions about the country, it can be concluded that the State is an organization in which there should be of the people, the area of ​​permanent and sovereign governments

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