Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Theory of the State

Theory of the State. 

Regarding the occurrence of a state there are several theories, among others, as follows: 
  1. Theory of reality Arising in a Contracting State it is a matter of fact. If at one time have been met elements of the State, the region, the people and the sovereign government. So at that time the State has become a reality.
  2. Theory Belief Arising in a Contracting State is the will of God. Everything, nothing will happen if God did not want it.
  3. Theory Agreement The state arises because the agreement made between people who had been living free spirit, this agreement is held so that common interests can be maintained and guaranteed, so that a person who is not a wild animal for others.
  4. Theory of Conquest A State arising from a group of human conquest of blood and other human company. In order for the area / group that can still be controlled, then formed an organization that is a State. In addition a State can also occur due to: 
  • Rebellion against another State which colonize, such as; United States against England in 1776-1783
  • The fusion of several States into a new country for example; Germany united in 1871 
  • An area that has not been there the people / government controlled by other nations, for example; Liberia 
  • A certain region to escape from being mastered and declared themselves a new country for example Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia.

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