Kamis, 19 November 2015

Best islamic lecture

Best islamic lecture

I have composed what I believe to be the Ten Best Islamic Video Lectures published across the net up till now. I've restricted the list to filmed lectures and those that have been addressed in the English language*. I ask that both Arabic and Urdu speakers forgive me, as I am a well-developed 'coconut'. There are many beneficial speeches that have not been recorded in the presence of a video camera, so in the future I hope to construct an audio-only list, insha'Allah.

Undoubtedly, many of you will disagree with some of my selections and ordering. Nevertheless, compiling this list wasn't easy. Everybody has their favourites. And in reality, nobody should preference the work of any orator conveying authentic and beneficial knowledge. I ask Allah subhana wa t'ala to grant all of the Shayukh and Du'at sincerity, to bless them for all their work, to forgive them, and to grant them and their families the highest level of paradise, ameen.

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