Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

alquran pen digital

will guide you start from zero until ORIENTED TAJWID and 7 Songs Mastering Rhythm in the recitation of Al-Quran Manuscripts-maqamat-alqolam Excellence Al-Quran Al-e-Pen Qolam Maqomat: Al-Quran with khat writing madinah clear, rasm Ottoman Standard MORA Al-Quran recitation include the code name (if there is a word arbitrate ikhfa, then written on it ikhfa) and blocked color Placement verse and translation on a separate page, making the text and translation of the verse is greater than the quran e-Pen or other translation quran Al-Quran is equipped with the rhythm of the code in the form of blocks of color Koran contains the 20 features that can be enabled with a touch of an e-Pen, namely: Adab al-Quran reading, touching e-Pen in this menu, it will sound of e-Pen explanation on the procedures both before and when reading the Koran.

Maqamat, this menu will teach us how to read the Koran with a beautiful rhythm (as diperlombakan the MTQ), as if guided directly by qori and qoriah experienced (among Hj. Maria Ulfa and H. Ahmad Muhajir) Menu Qori / Qoriah, namely to choose qori and qoriah we want, namely: Sheikh Khalil al-Hussary, Mushari Shaikh Rashid and Hj. Maria Ulfa Murattal children Juz 30. Menu suitable for our children or for adults who have not smoothly Explanations of Law Tajweed. 

After pointing this menu, and show the code tajwid we want, then the e-Pen will explain the recitation of law as well as providing an example of how to read as much as 2 x Reading history Qolun, namely one stream of qira'ah sab'ah (qira'at seven) Reading history Warasy, namely one stream of qira'ah sab'ah (qira'at seven). FAQ Koran, test our knowledge about the contents of al-Quran Indonesian translation English translation Summary Tafsir Ibn Kathir per page Mutiara Juz 30 The virtue of surah, information about the virtue of a letter The hadiths related to the discussion of paragraph The stories in the Koran Vocabulary paragraph Muratal per Ju by Shaykh Al-Ghamidi Record sound Try, a feature to compare our voices sound Qory (maqomat). 

Very nice to mengeavluasi pengausaan makhraj, Tajweed and rhythm Read one page The existence of the Divine Name feature either a song or per name Accompanied Iqro book volumes 1-6 can be read using e-Pen Accompanied Cards Koran portable that not only can be read per letter, but can also be by-verse Index cards and accompanied by prayer and dhikr daily (portable), which can be read using e-Pen Accompanied by a guide and a prayer card of worship Hajji / Umrah portable. e-Pen with a capacity of up to 32GB memory card Bonus TAS tote